L’Atelier Veron

L'atelier Veron

November 7th to December 13, 2019

Michele Cassou’s exhibit of 65 Paintings in Paris, FRANCE

November 20, 2020
Dear Friends and Painters, 

I just came back from Paris and I’m happy to tell you about my adventures. I exhibited my paintings at Atelier Veron! And it was a success. It was wonderful to see old friends and meet new ones on opening night.
This exhibition was as much a surprise to you as to me. I had refused many times in the past but this time I said yes. I had a mixture of feelings about it because all my life I have discouraged exhibiting to my students for fear that they would lose their freedom and their full creative potential. Now, the most important thing for me is to introduce this way of painting to as many people as possible, so they can discover, explore, and truly enjoy spontaneous expression.
The gallery is owned by Jacques Tenenhaus. I introduced Jacques to free painting 50 years ago. He felt that the painting classes changed his life and he wished that more people could discover this approach to free expression painting. Jacques thought that exhibiting my paintings would attract and inform people about this kind of freedom of expression.  During the exhibition, in the courtyard of the gallery, we offered a painting studio and many people were delighted to paint right away. Some people said it was their first time painting and they loved it very much and wanted to do more. Jacques is opening a much bigger painting studio in a few months which is for me most important.
— Michele

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